Monday, July 29, 2013

Share the Love!

            I have been calling myself "The Peace and Love Girl" since my high school and college days in the seventies. That description still fits me perfectly. I am not anti- anything. I am pro- kindness.

I believe that when we are either a provider of an act of kindness, a recipient of an act of kindness or someone in the energy field of an act of kindness, we benefit greatly from the experience. Our " happy hormone" (serotonin) increases and we feel good. We naturally want to share that good feeling by keeping the Love flowing.

I've always known that giving and receiving kindness leads to joy. But, until I really started paying attention to my feelings, I didn't realize that just observing one human being doing something nice for another could elevate my mood- my sense of well being.

It's pretty cool how that works. Love is the only thing that is real. Everything else
-including fear, doubt, worry-is only an illusion.

We all long to feel good. Some of us go to tremendous lengths to find happiness as if it is something outside ourselves. We look in the wrong direction. Money, power, material goods, drugs,etc... fool us into thinking we've found the magic cure for unhappiness.

 When we keep our hearts and minds open to the high energy of Love, we discover that it's always been available to us. It is ever present within us-not outside us. We can tap into this higher power whenever we'd like. 

Connecting to Love, happiness and inner peace is not a complicated search. If we want to feel good, all we have to do is be kind. Kind to ourselves and everyone else on Earth. When Jesus said, "Love One Another", He gave us a beautiful guide to happiness. So, with that thought in mind, I've created a blog to share great stories of Love, kindness, compassion, generosity, etc... I invite you to join me in a pleasant journey to happiness.