If You Can Parallel Park, You Can Do Anything
Sometimes, I am an awesome parallel parker. I can whip my Honda Accord into a tight spot like a pro. Like a mean, lean parking machine worthy of a standing ovation. I have actually had people clap for me when they’ve seen me slide into a patch of street so small that they wouldn’t dare to dream about trying it themselves. People marvel at my confidence, determination and willpower as I maneuver my wheels in the right direction at the right time. When I have to get into a ridiculously tiny parking place because I’m running late or that spot’s my only hope, that’s where my skill and talent for “paralleling” really shines.
One of my darling daughters lives in South Philadelphia and I love to visit her often. So, lest you think I don’t know tough parking dilemmas, her neighborhood is a prime example of parallel parking difficulty. It’s always a challenge. Trust me. Especially on a rainy, dark night. Good Lord, it’s tricky at times like that. But, I can do it for some unknown reason. I think I just will myself into the spot. And, prayer often comes in handy, too. On many occasions, I have asked everyone in Heaven to assist me. When the mission is accomplished, I never forget to heap praise and thanks on my Divine helpers who often include my Mom and Dad.
But, other times, I am the world’s worst parallel parker in the history of parallel parking. I really mean it. I stink. I really, really stink out loud. Sometimes, I can’t park my car to save my life. I’ve had people- especially in South Philly- laugh at me because I am suddenly totally inept at “paralleling”. I guess they are not actually laughing at me as much as they are laughing at the hopeless situation I’ve placed myself in. They can relate to the futility of trying to place a car in a somewhat impossible location. When this happens, their laughter encourages me to start giggling. And, everyone who knows me understands that when I start laughing, I can’t stop. I have somewhat of a laughing problem which probably shouldn’t be classified as a problem.
But, nevertheless, when the laughter begins, parking success is not happening. No way, Jose. It’s time to pack it in when I begin to unravel like that. It gets really crazy at times when I can’t get myself out of a parking spot that I actually couldn’t get myself into in the first place. Does that even make sense? At times like this, I humbly
acknowledge that I am but a mere mortal incapable of scoring a perfect “10” every time I come up to bat. I just sail away in my car totally resigning myself to the fact that I will have to park ( seemingly ) miles and miles away from my destination. I remind myself that I love to walk even when I’m carrying packages and there are icy patches on the sidewalks. I just love it. Hehe!
In a way, I relate parallel parking to life. Sometimes, I’m on top of my game. I know what direction I want to follow. I have a good, workable plan and I just go for it. Nothing seems to get in the way. I am unstoppable at times like this. I put my heart and brain into the plan and just go where it takes me. Wonderful things happen along the way. I reach my destination and rejoice when I get there. I have confidence in my abilities and life, itself. I feel on top of the world. Like a woman who is fulfilling her purpose on earth. I love, love, love times like this. They make me feel alive and striving. I am on my way to adventure, enjoyment and prosperity. I am on course and happiness reigns!
Other times, I get a little lost. Sidetracked. Off course, to say the least. I don’t know where I’m going. I’m disoriented and disorganized. Not centered. I really don’t care for those times. They are not nearly as fun as the smooth sailing times when I’m at my best. But, just like I do when I’m having a rough go of it parallel parking, I laugh it off and remember that I’m a work in progress. I usually go for a walk at that point and shake it all off. That leaves an opening for a fresh start the next day. And, as we all know, things are generally brighter in the morning.
I believe that with God all things are possible. If you try hard to accomplish something and you can’t seem to get it together, it’s best to stop, regroup and begin again at a later time. No need to give up totally. But, maybe a new perspective is the answer. Staying cool, calm and collected is a plus. I’ve learned that through maturity. Remembering that laughter is one of the best routes to happiness and joy is key. Even when the laughter is directed at me!