Monday, December 5, 2016

Love Actually

“Whenever I get gloomy about the state of the world, I think of the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion’s starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed. But, I don’t see that. Seems to me that Love is everywhere…If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you find that Love actually is all around.”
                             -Opening line from the movie, “Love Actually”.

I Love this kind of thinking. I try to adhere to it every day. It makes me happy and confident. Confident that we’re going in the right direction as the human race. I have always believed that God is Love. And, that Love ( God ) is the highest energy in the universe. I sense that all of us here on the planet are being pulled toward Love by this energy. I refer to this phenomenon as evolution. Evolution of a spiritual nature. 

Without it, what would be the purpose of life? If we didn’t have something beautiful to strive for our very existence would seem pointless. Love is a gift. It has the ability to make us happy and decide that all is well. We all want and need that. We are Love. We are made of Love because our creator is Love and this Love is within us. The very cool thing is that no one can take that away from us. There is nothing a determined individual can do to deprive us of this gift because it is a Divine Gift bestowed upon us by God. 

The opening and closing scenes in the movie, “Love Actually” take place in Heathrow Airport in London, England. People of all ages and races are seen hugging and kissing each other with glee. The smiles are contagious. Heart warming to observe. Love is what connects us to each other and helps us fall in Love with life. It is powerful beyond measure. And, it is actually all around us because God is all around us and within us. 

Our purpose each day is to Love as much as possible. We are given the assignment from Heaven to be Love. To think of it as a verb. An action word. To be in the state of Love. When we put the effort in, the rewards are endless. Serotonin- the happy hormone- circulates all around our brain. The good feeling we all crave envelops us and before we know it, we’ve encouraged others to be Love, as well. 

Every spiritual teacher I know says that we get what we focus on every day. What we think about expands. We actually create our own experience with our thoughts. So it makes so much sense to me to dream about Love. To speak of Love. To speak in Loving tones to ourselves and everyone else. To look around in every moment and notice the things that we Love. Like sunshine and birds chirping. Children laughing, the ocean, rivers and mountains. Beautiful pictures. It’s so important to make a conscientious effort to participate in Love at every turn. Nothing matters more. 

I know that there are bad influences a plenty in our world that try to entice us to stray from Love. Greed, self-centeredness, disregard for those in need and refusal to share our resources may temporarily seem wise choices. But, in the end, they never, ever lead us to Love which is the foundation of happiness. Countless times I have seen people of considerable means treat the less fortunate among us as if they are invisible. As though they are not connected to us. As if they are separate and not one with each other. I see this as shortsightedness and I ask God to open the eyes and hearts of those who do not understand that Loving and helping others will always provide the happiness that material goods can not. 

Wayne Dyer, one of the most Loving souls I’ve ever known, used to say all the time that we should never pass another person without offering them something. A smile can go such a long way to brighten another’s day. And, it costs nothing. I Love it when people smile at me. Imagine how much a homeless person Loves to be smiled at. I often think Of Jesus’ words, “What so ever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me.”  

I start to feel blue sometimes when I read about people being hateful to each other. When I notice people bullying others simply because their skin color, religion, sexual orientation or gender is different it saddens me and gives me a bad feeling that lingers for a while. Then, I remember that people project outward how they are feeling inside. Sometimes, people pull away from Love without even realizing it. They act in an unloving manner toward others because they do not feel Loved. I pray for them instead of judging them. They are lost. Off course. All they have to do is reconnect to Love and they can change in an instant. We have free will in every moment to decide in which direction we want to go. Another cool thing about life.

I truly believe that there are more Loving people in this world than not. Love is all around and all that we need. Set your sights on kindness and you will find it. Look for the people spreading Love and they will appear before your very eyes. They are there doing good deeds daily. Get involved with those people and notice happy hormones dancing around in your head. The people causing all the trouble in the world get all of the attention for some odd reason. But, they are not in the majority. And, trust me, they are not happy. Send them light and Love and never emulate their ways. 

If you find yourself in a bad frame of mind, drop the thoughts you are experiencing and zero in on Love. Do something nice for someone else. Even if you don’t know them. Hug, laugh, smile count your blessings and day dream about Love. If you’re struggling to shake off the bad feelings, think about the scene at Heathrow Airport where everyone's so happy to see each other. Make a collage of smiling faces in your mind. Envision everything that you Love. Make lists of people, places and things that you Love. Immerse yourself in Love and before you know it, your perspective will change for the better. You are entitled to Love because you are Love. Study on that one, my friend!