Tuesday, June 27, 2017


     This Is How We’re Going To Make America 
        Great Again!

My two sisters each have cleaning people who come to their homes weekly. They work wonders. Miracles, actually. They can turn topsy turvy right side up and make it all look so easy in no time. We all clap upon their arrival and as they head back out the door. In absolute astonishment and gratitude. They are nice, cheerful people who seem genuinely happy to clean houses. No complaints out of them at all. 

My sisters are so good to these hard working people. They greet them warmly and heap praise on them throughout their stay. It’s a win/ win situation because at the end of their visit, everyone’s happy. Clean home. Full wallet. Perfect. Many times when I’ve called one of my sisters to say that I am on my way over to her home, she’ll ask me to  stop and buy her cleaning man a six pack of the soda he likes to drink with his lunch. Of course, I am more than happy to do so. As soon as I enter the front door, she whisks the drinks out of my hands so that none of her children think they are up for grabs. She hides five of them for the upcoming weeks and saves the sixth for his lunch. 

Now, speaking of lunch, this sweet sister makes a beautiful sandwich for this man every week. The sandwich of his dreams. He gets to special order a sandwich of his choosing which makes him so happy and grateful. I love watching this exchange. To some, this may just seem like a sandwich and a soda. No big deal. No underlying meaning. But, to my sister, the cleaning man and most people who watch her serve him this meal, it is a gift of love. When she is handing him the food and beverage, she is actually bestowing love, respect and gratitude upon him. She doesn’t have to make him a meal. No. Not at all. But, she really wants to and that kindness is certainly not lost on him. 

My other sister is just as kind and generous. I was at her home last week and she made gorgeous salads for her two cleaning ladies and us. All four of us sat together at her kitchen table and enjoyed our lunch. During the meal, my sister encouraged the ladies to share stories of their families. It was such a delightful experience for all of us. When we finished, there were hugs and smiles. Then, they went about the business of making my sister’s house sparkle. They, too, left happy and feeling good. Another win/win.

My two sisters create Peace, Love and tons of good will  from their kindness toward their cleaning people. I love it all. The weekly exchange between all of them is the key. The key to harmony between people who were raised in a different country and those of us who are blessed to have been born in the United States. The cleaning people are immigrants who are eager to do whatever it takes to create a good life for themselves and their families. 

These good people most likely struggled in their country of origin and now want to embrace life in the land of plenty where opportunity for a better life abounds. Who would rightly blame them? After all, the U.S. has always been a country of immigrants since day one. A “Melting Pot” , of sorts. In my humble opinion, those who have been given much should want for others what they have for themselves. The haves should always give the have nots a helping hand.

Our wise and loving Pope Francis often encourages us to build bridges instead of walls. He asks the citizens of the U.S. to welcome the immigrants instead of turning them away. To treat them as our brothers and sisters instead of our enemies. His instructions follow the teachings of Christ perfectly. We are in desperate need of this kind of leadership in America. We need enlightened men and woman to guide us in a better direction. 

Our current administration-President Trump and all those who surround him-seem to think on an everyday, ordinary, practical level of consciousness. They seem to think in black and white. Fear colors their thoughts. Fear that the immigrants are taking from the rest of us instead of giving. They choose to see the small picture. The larger picture- that immigrants from all nations enrich our lives here in the U.S.- seems to elude them. 

Shutting immigrants out now and sending away those who have been here and made a home for their families is unconscionable and shortsighted. That policy causes pain and suffering for people that have already had more than their fair share of troubles. The last thing our world needs is more misery. I firmly believe that if President Trump would stop focussing on building his wall and his bank accountant and use his power and money to help these people, everyone would benefit including him. Good karma and all that. What goes around comes around.

President Trump has the ability to help raise the consciousness of the world by being a good example. He is always looking for attention and admiration. Trust me  ( one of his favorite sayings!), he will accrue more fans and more adulation than he could ever dream of if he changes his intention from acquiring to sharing. There’s an old saying which I’ve found extremely helpful in my life- “Change your thoughts change your life”. All he needs to do is change the way he thinks. There are countless numbers of people all over the world willing to help him in this endeavor. 

He has the world’s focus right now. And, as he’s made abundantly clear over the years, he has billions of dollars. He can affect tremendous ( another favorite!) progress just by opening his heart, plowing through all of his fear and sharing the abundance that the universe has gifted him with. Let’s all pray that our President sees the light. That he understands, one day soon, all the good that he can do. 

We all have the same purpose here on earth. To love one another!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Forward Motion

James Earl Jones used to be a spokesman for the Verizon company. At the end of every commercial, he would say in his booming voice, “Make progress every day”. I always took his advice to heart. I felt like he, or the Universe, was speaking directly to me. I love the word progress. It doesn’t have anything to do with perfection. Thank goodness because perfection, as we all know, is unattainable. Just keep trying to do better than you have been and you’ll get to where you want to go.

It’s very important that I keep this good advice in my thoughts these days because my goal right now for my life is to, “Kick it up a notch!”. I borrowed that expression from Emeril Lagasse, the wonderful chef who used to be on television all the time cooking up a storm. He would always say it with a smile on his face. Me, too. I’m smiling right now as I write because the mere fact that I know that I can kick it up a notch in my life, makes me very happy. So, a smile is in order.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” This is a quote by John Maxwell that I found in his motivational book entitled, “Success-One Day At A Time”. I’ve owned this book for several years and read it often. The idea is that our lives change when our habits change. The person seeking progress needs to examine his/her daily routine-their daily habits- to see what exactly it is that they are doing on a regular basis that could possibly be holding them back. Serious reflection is required to detect the piece of the puzzle that brings about an “aha!” moment. The moment when you recognize non-productive behavior that thwarts your attempt to move toward your well planned goals. 

We unknowingly create obstacles to progress and it behooves us to study our routine carefully to determine what they are and banish them from our actions. We yearn to conduct ourselves well. So, self examination as opposed to complaining about our circumstances, is crucial. Everyone’s routine is different. Some things work for us but not for others. And, vice versa. It’s best to devise a system that keeps us humming along the path that we’ve always dreamed of. 

Perseverance is our friend because some days are going to be a breeze. Smooth sailing, and all that. And, others will be a grind. But, both types of days are all part of the process. We need to keep going and do the best we can each and every day even when it’s not fun. Keep on keeping on as we said in the 70’s. That’s the spirit that will help us arrive at our well thought out destination. All the best!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Not A Dry Eye

                             Not A Dry Eye            

The sweetest thing happened tonight and it overwhelmed me with joy. Everyone in my immediate family-seven brothers and sisters, spouses and children-was in our family church in Longport, New Jersey having just finished Mass. We were all together to celebrate the life of our dear old Dad/Granddaddy, Jack Bradley. He died four years ago. Every year on his anniversary, we come together as a group to reminisce about him.

It was a very snowy, icy night. Typical for January in New Jersey. We were well acquainted with many of the parishioners who were there in attendance. One by one, they all came over to us to say a kind word on their way out into the parking lot. Eventually, only Bradleys remained in the church along with the Priest and the lector and his wife. 

Suddenly, the lector made an announcement on the microphone which could be heard all over the church. He said, “Bradley family, this one’s for you!” With that, we were treated to a recording of our Father/ Grandfather  singing his signature song, “On The Way To Cape May”. It took most of us a moment to realize that the voice we were hearing was actually his. Not just someone else sharing his favorite song. 

Needless to say, we were overcome with emotion. We laughed, smiled and teared up. It was thrilling to be together experiencing the sensation of his presence. It all felt so familiar. As if he was right there with us. We sang our hearts out in harmony with Jack. Including all of the grandchildren. What a lovely surprise, indeed.

Naturally, we were wondering how this came to be. Turns out that the lector filmed Jack singing the song that he was  so well known for at a St.Patrick’s Day party years before. We were unaware that he possessed this little treasure until that evening. How thoughtful this good man was to share it with all of us on such a special day. Some people are just so nice, aren’t they?

It’s sweet gestures like this that bring light and joy to the world. We are all so grateful to have been the recipients of this act of kindness.