“ If You Want To Fly…
… you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” Marianne Williamson, one of my favorite Spiritual teachers, wrote that quote. Her words spoke to me immediately. I am an inspiration seeker. So, whenever I read a quote, or simply hear someone say something that opens up my mind to a better way of looking at my life, I write their words down in a notebook. I use these notebooks the same way that a student does. I study them and try with all my might to incorporate the message they hold for me in my thinking so as to enlighten myself on a daily basis. Gary Zukav, a Harvard physicist, refers to life as “the earth school”. I see it that way, as well.
When I read this quote, I break it up into two parts so that I am able to get as much out of it as possible. To me, the words If I want to fly mean if I want to be all that I can be, if I want to live up to my potential, if I want to become the person God intends me to be. And, I do. I want all of this. I am finished living a life of limits. I am ready to soar ahead. I am prepared to let the universe- God- take the reins. I am ready to surrender to the Divine Intelligence that keeps the planets in alignment, the rivers flowing to the sea and the grass growing. I am willing to co-create with God a life worth living, a life to really be excited about, a life that lights me up every day. Out with complacency and in with adventure.
I’ve contemplated the pros and cons of staying in my comfort zone. I’ve faced my fear of the unknown. I’m determined to shake off sameness and forge ahead even if I don’t know all the details of my new journey. Life doesn’t come with a map or a set of instructions. Often, you just have to wing it. Just go where your instincts tell you to go. I’m learning that it’s best to follow the voice inside with no regrets if you misunderstand it once in a while remembering what Thomas Edison said, “It’s not a mistake if you learn from it”.
I believe I’ve fully delved into and sifted through the “If I want to fly…” part of the Marianne Williamson quote. I know I want to fly. With every fiber of my being, I want to take off into the wild blue yonder.
Now, onto the action part of this quote- “…you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” Easier said than done, but doable. Definitely doable. Contemplation, stillness and just plain paying attention to your everyday activities will help you produce a list that can be used as a beneficial guide. A little while ago, I came across a quote by John C. Maxwell that I found to be of great value. He wrote, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”. This is where paying attention is vital. And, honesty is a plus. You have to get real to determine where change is necessary.
So, without further adieu, here are the things that I know I have to let go of. And, the funny thing is, they are all found in my daily routine. Thank you, Mr. Maxwell. I need to take better care of myself. Much better. I matter. It’s crazy that I never realized that before. I need to improve my diet by eating food that nourishes me and sustains good health. I need to make good eating habits a top priority. On that note, I am going to make a good plan for myself every day and stick to it no matter what is going on in my life. I will write down on paper exactly what I need to consume at every meal so as to start forming good habits that will come naturally to me down the road. That’s not so hard to do, now is it? What’s that old saying? “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. So, plan, Shelagh, plan.
In addition to following a sensible meal plan, I need to give up alcohol. Yes. It’s true. I know deep in my heart that it’s holding me back in life. I’m not your stereotypical alcoholic but I have an alcohol problem in that I have become somewhat dependent on it several nights a week. Just being honest. I really, really don’t want to go down the path of full blown dependency. No way. So, I need to rise above the pull to drink alcohol. People do it all the time and so can I. I will feel better and have boundless energy if I abstain from alcohol and eat sensibly. Oh, and get more sleep. I can do all of these things if I believe I can.
One more item on the list of things that weigh me down. I need to let go of self doubt and acknowledge my gifts and talents. We all have them. The good Lord didn’t skip over anyone. So, instead of telling myself that I don’t have what it takes, I need to follow my bliss. That’s where my purpose, my passion, lies. Writing turns me on and lifts me up. So, instead of saying I want to be a writer, I’m just plain going to be one. Now. Today. Yes! And, no more procrastinating or wasting time.
New mantra- “Our lives change when our habits change."