Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Work in Progress

                                    A Work In Progress

A short while ago, I came across a book entitled, You Are A Badass. Of course, I had to pick it up and skim through it in hopes that the author, Jen Sincero, was referring to me. Funny thing. It turns out she was. I am, in fact, a Badass because I try every day to kick it up a notch, or two, in my life. I know that I can do better and I’m willing to stand up and require more of myself. 

One thing that I know about life is that we are constantly co-creating our experience with God, or the Universe- whatever you’d like to call the Divine Intelligence that permeates the atmosphere bringing us gravity, oceans and the ability to be self actualized beings capable of so very much.

Thomas Alva Edison once said, “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves”. Since Edison and I are both from New Jersey, I gladly put my trust in this statement. He, also, said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”. Thank you, Mr. Edison. This brilliant man certainly knew what he was talking about because it took him many, many attempts to perfect the light bulb. What if he had given up and told himself that it’s useless to go on? We’d all be stumbling around in the dark every evening.

I love to read anything and everything that can help me open my mind to all the possibilities that lie before me. I seek inspiration with every breath I take. Fortunately, I’ve found that it is all around me because God is inspiration and we all know where He is. Yes. Everywhere. People inspire me. Books, events, quotes, etc… They all help to raise my awareness of my purpose. I am so grateful that I don’t have to figure everything out on my own. There is assistance to be had at any moment. All I have to do is seek it. Cool!

“Manifesting your ideal life requires working on your subconscious, bringing it to light, so that you can experience both your subconscious and conscious in alignment with your True Nature”. I read this quote the other day and connected with it immediately. It was written by Chris Cade. To me, it means that our conscious thoughts must be in harmony with our subconscious thoughts. And, these thoughts must be of a positive nature so as to guide us to fulfill our passion.

Our conscious mind is awareness, concern, interest. It’s the mental activity of which a person is aware. It is the ability to experience or feel. It is wakefulness. The subconscious mind describes thoughts that are just below our conscious awareness. Thought patterns that we’ve ingrained in our brain over time. They can be positive and useful or negative and, therefore, counterproductive. The subconscious is very powerful. So, it is vital to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. 

There is no truth to negativity because life does not support it. I fully believe that the universe works for us not against us. So, negativity is not real. We imagine it, believe it and store it in our subconscious. But, when you consciously have a mantra, or personal mission statement, that says  words to the effect that, “I am capable, I am creative, I am resourceful”, then these thoughts will eventually make their way into your subconscious which in turn will propel you toward well being. In other words, as Jimmy Buffett sings in one of his songs, “Believe it and it will come true.

In my life, consciously, I want to be a person who takes really good care of herself every day. And, I want to write about Peace and Love to help this world become a better place. To top that off, I, also, want to start a charitable foundation to help those in need. To date, I have not been successful  in achieving these goals much to my disappointment. 

After great reflection, I’ve concluded that my failure to reach these goals lies in the fact that my conscious mind and my subconscious mind haven’t been in the alignment Chris Cade speaks of. Basically, my conscious mind says on a regular basis, “You can do it, Shelagh Bradley. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.” Sounds good, right? However, at the same time my subconscious mind counters that positivity with this line of thinking, “No, you can’t. You silly girl. Who do you think you are anyway???” 

See the tug of war there? No progress can be made unless this beautiful thing called alignment takes place. Thank you, Chris Cade, for opening my mind to this idea. If we want to be happy and successful, we must believe on the conscious and subconscious level that we can achieve that which we desire. 

Now that I’m in the process of  bringing my negative subconscious thoughts to light, I can reprogram them to be an advantage rather than a detriment. Deepak Chopra says that, “You must get to the place inside where you believe anything is possible.” He, also, says that, “To have the desire for something means you can accomplish it. Or else, you wouldn’t have it.”

Wish me luck. Please!!!

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