As I left the Spring Lake boardwalk today after a very enjoyable walk, I saw a sign on the back of a car with the words, “Be Good To People”. I stopped in my tracks and felt the beauty of that saying wash over me. Yes. Be good to people. So simple. So uncomplicated. Great idea. I think we should promote that thought every day everywhere we go.
It’s just another way of expressing Jesus’ command to “Love One Another”. Help people. Be kind to them. Listen to people. Give them the benefit of the doubt when they are expressing their opinions by assuming they have good intentions. Be a fan. A cheerleader, of sorts, to those who seem to have no one on their side.
Want the best for everyone. All the wonderful things we have going for us in our lives we should want for others, as well. Share our good fortune with those who are in need. Try to lift another’s spirits when they seem down and out. Spread love, light and joy around because they are as contagious as bad moods.
Be a peacemaker-always recognizing that sometimes it’s better to be kind than it is to be right. Take the high road by forgiving those who wrong us even if they don’t care if you forgive them. Be silly and goofy and kooky if you feel that the energy in a situation needs to be raised. A little humor can go a long way in diffusing a challenging moment.
Hug people. Kiss them if you think it would be appropriate. Tell them that everything’s going to be all right even if you’re not sure it is. Wishful thinking can create positive results if you just try. We all need encouragement at times. Sprinkle it everywhere. Shower it all over the place. I love, love, love this line from a James Taylor song, “Shower the people you love with love. Show them the way that you feel. Things are gonna be much better if you only will…” And, shower the people you don’t even know with love, too.
Smile all the time at everyone you meet. I love it when I come upon a stranger on my walkabouts who is already smiling at me before I even notice their presence. That’s a gift from God, really. It has the power to elevate your mood instantly. It’s very cool. It’s totally groovy when I’m driving and someone let’s me into their lane all the while smiling at me. That makes me happy and encourages me to do the same to others.
There are countless ways we can be good to people throughout the day. All it takes is the deep desire to do so. Next thing you know, you are spreading goodwill left and right creating laughter, camaraderie, peace and love. Yay! What a great example we are to those around us when we are pleasant and helpful.
And, the beauty of all this is that whatever goodness we send out to others comes right back to us in many different forms. That’s The Law of Attraction, or Karma, at work. The energy we transmit into the universe, whether negative or positive, connects with like energy, grows in strength and comes sailing on back to us. So, being good to people, as the sign says, is an awesome way to improve our own lives. It’s actually a win/win. We make ourselves happy when we are “ showering people with love”. Isn’t that marvelous?
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